October 2023

Long time no post.

Started a new job that has an hour-plus commute, and involves typing all day, so writing has taken a serious hit. 

Flipped it so that I’m working on As The Crow Flies (novella, journey) on the weekend, Son of The Spike (novel, next Mark book) when I have a spare spoon to do it.

Visited Melbourne, caught up with an old friend I haven’t seen in about 16 years. Saw some art at National Gallery of Victoria, perused the RMIT University library, drank a lot of overpriced beer in a cool saloon, and ate some spicy chicken.

The scale is insane: Melbourne is easily ten times bigger than Brisbane. I like my small town though. 

T-minus 44 days until I’m in Germany again, this time for Christmas. Words cannot describe how excited I am to get back there — to luz, to reasonably-priced beer, to snow. 

Since I’m currently juggling two large writing projects, while adulting, not sure when I will have another short story to post on here. I’m too busy to submit the ones I do have anywhere. 

Will post again when I’m freezing my ass off.

Be good (or be good at it).

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